

Rajendra Academy for Teachers' Education, a composite unit of D.El.Ed, B.Ed and M.Ed runs laboratories for the benefits of the students consecutively. The laboratories at college are equipped with different types of apparatus, materials for testing and then enhance the qualities of the students. We have well equipped laboratories so that each pupil teacher can perform his subjective practical individually.

The following laboratories define the availability

Psychology Lab

Psychological lab helps in building the integration of the theoretical understanding of the issues by contextualizing and personalizing through or with the practical experiences in order to consolidate and enhance the knowledge and skills of B.Ed. students.

The role of the psychology laboratory is to enrich and also improve the understanding of the B.Ed. students about the processes of learning, teaching, and development in different aspects of measurement, assessment and also the evaluation.


  • To acquaint the prospective teachers with various tools for measurement of relevant dimensions of performance (Achievement, Intelligence, Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Motivation, Personality etc.).
  • To develop the skills for administering and interpreting various tests
  • To utilize data to ensure balanced development of learners in the school system.
  • The Psychology Laboratory at the College thus plays an important role in ensuring the development of comprehensive understanding of tasks and responsibilities for the prospective teachers/educators.
  • The lab also has in store some of the good reports that were submitted by the B.Ed. students of the previous years.

Mathematics Lab

Rajendra Academy for Teachers’ Education promotes education for students in its most organized way. The purpose of the mathematics lab is to develop the effective mathematical teaching of the selection of instructional resources played a vital role to meet the needs of students and as well as faculty. It is important that mathematics teachers must learn to teach mathematics to both special needs and general learners.

The activities in the maths lab appeal to the wide range of people, for different ages and varying in the proficiency of mathematical expression. The initial appeal of Mathematics is broad-based with the level of engagement of the different individuals may vary.


  • To develop the innovative approaches for the knowledge empowerment within the students
  • To encourage the students to work upon activity based learning strategies using tricks and techniques.
  • To demonstrate concept formation, structuring learning activities using manipulative, story problems, games, outdoor activities and real life situation
  • To wisely process the learning based lesson planning, preparation and demonstration of TLM for constructive classroom.

 Science Lab

The college infuses among the students to understand the well equipped Science laboratories namely Life Science and Physical Science for the use of students under the supervision of respective mentors. Students are required to make an adequate and proper use of these facilities. A Science lab is a workplace for the conduct of scientific research.

The purpose of the labs is to help the students to remember the concepts better. It helps to transfer the experience of other learning situations. Science labs consist of Burettes, tongs, tweezers, forceps, test tubes, conical flasks, laboratory balance, specimens, slides, microscopes, many chemicals useful for experiments.


  • To facilitate the students with providing of controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments and measurement may be performed.
  • Learn about the materials of the laboratories and take special care of apparatus/equipments
  • Developing the scientific reasoning abilities
  • increasing the understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work,
  • developing practical skills, increasing understanding of the nature of science

Note: Laboratories are meant to be learning spaces. No student can use the lab or computer centre in the absence of teacher in-charge.

Geography Lab

Rajendra Academy for Teachers' Education has a well equipped and featured Geography lab in the college building. This plays a pivotal role in enriching geographical base of the B.Ed students which is indeed a necessary part of learning. The geography lab exposes the students to full spectrum of disciplinary subfields like the physical, human and nature-society geography as well as the pedagogical techniques.

Infact experienced teachers have worked hard to provide CDs related to the different topics are also kept in the lab. Congenial Atmosphere for effective learning provides a work room for the educators and the trainee teachers to solve the doubt related to their method discipline.


  • To develop interests among student in the method they have selected
  • To teach about techniques and methods that can learn about the pedagogical issues that can come up amidst classroom teaching
  • Regular and periodic evaluations of students’ are objected to determine the students' understanding of the subject.
  • Various methods of teaching are implemented, ranging from the traditional classroom teaching method to the use of latest audio-visual modes of presentation helping in to enrich the lecture methods.

Language Lab

Good communication skills are indispensable for the success in any profession and one of the important skills among the teachers.  Rajendra Academy of Teachers’ Education focuses upon the benefit of the language lab among the B.Ed Students. Language is a medium of communication and in today's world English is the mother language for communication across the globe.

The globalised world has made knowledge handicapped without the practise of English. It is the need of the hour to equip the trainee teachers with at least the knowledge of Functional English so that they do not lag behind despite having professional degrees.


  • To develop training for its students who mostly overcome from vernacular medium.
  • To accommodate the design to accommodate all students and ensure they are exposed to a language other than their mother tongue that will assist and further their understanding of the wider world.
  • to take the activities at Lab regardless of the level of linguistic proficiency
  • To benefit the students in more than one ways.

Art & Craft Lab

Rajendra Academy for Teachers' Education has an art & craft lab where various activities like waste material utilization, painting, toy making activities, wall hanging, pot decoration; flower arrangement candle making, chart & model making activities are promoted.

Art & Craft Lab is a place for experiments with creativity. The aim of this lab is to encourage the students to bring forth their innovative power. By these activities Pupil teacher learn the art of preparing & using teaching aids which will help them to improve their teaching methods also.


  • To develop the interest of the B.Ed students towards Art & Culture
  • to encourage the students to bring forth their innovative power
  • Create innovation into magic


Rajendra Academy For Teachers’ Education empowers ICT Resource Centre/Computer Lab is one of the major focal labs of the college. ICT, Computer Lab and ET facilities have been integrated in the college where learners are not only encouraged to acquire basic skills but also motivated to use the same extensively during the B.Ed. programme.

The use of ICT is promoted in lesson planning and delivery. The students are motivated to conceptualize and develop ICT related instructional material for the enrichment of their teaching. Besides, the students are encouraged to develop interactive power-point presentations and AVs for their school experience program.

Health and Physical Education Lab

The Health and Physical Education resource centre is equipped with various indoor and outdoor games equipments such as multiple Gym, Table Tennis, Carom, Badminton, Chess, Cricket Kit, Volley Ball, and Football.

Indoor games are also given much importance in this world of sports and physical education. Trained teachers are working hard to train and encourage the students to participate more and more in the games and sports.

Music Resource Centre

The music resource centre is well equipped with western and indigenous instatements such as harmonium, Tabla, Manjira, Drum etc. This resource centre is also equipped with rooms that are basically required for Performing Arts with Mirror, Vocal Music Room with Mirrors.  Trained professional teachers are always helping the students to learn the music and get involved into the art.

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